Jun 5, 2009

Looking for Work... after a hike.

I'm always amazed at how things work. Yesterday I got laid off. Last week I was hunched over my spreadsheet trying to figure out how in only 3 months was I going to accomplish what takes most hikers 5-6 months . That's no longer a problem. I may take 4 months to walk now. I think I can handle 4 months. Things have always shifted for me. I'm not saying I've had it easy, I'm proud of the fact that I've had to work for what I have. Though, I think I'm always able to find the good in the bad. I've read many stories of people going off for months at a time to hike, returning to their jobs to find that they can't do the same type of work. The office is too confining, their passions have shifted, they don't miss the life off trail. I've been given a clean slate. I can have my time over months on foot, and come back to something new and frustrating, and exciting, and unexpected. So, here's to those who currently find themselves unemployed. I'm happy to be among you.

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