Jul 19, 2009

AT Thru-hike Update 19-07-09

Tomorrow, my father and I will start our drive to Millinocket. I am excited and apprehensive.

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In preparing for a journey of this size, I've learned a few things. Undoubtedly, this knowledge will help me prepare in a more efficient fashion if I do, in fact continue to hike after this attempt. A few facts:
You will never be as prepared as you want. Simple fact. There will always be something you forgot, something you just couldn't cram into you deadline. Though, I would have liked more time, I could always find something else to do. This delays the start of your trip, and could indefinitely. Do your research, plan your journey, but don't lock yourself into a divisive trip that will not flex and breath. Its better to be comfortable with improvising. The old "lemons into lemonade" bit. Understand you can only have so much "control", your diet, your planned mileage, your direction... well sometimes, your direction. Aside from a very few factors, you are at the mercy of the journey. In this case the Trail will do with me as it wishes. I only have to be there to accept this and do my best to care for myself as I travel.
You will be humbled by those that come to help you. Just yesterday I was flying around the house collecting, repackaging, cooking, mixing, weighing, and trying to finish typing out the last of the Thru-Hiker' Handbook. Mom came to help, taking over typing. Before she got up for a rest she had finished Vermont. Then, Mo, my sister, says, "What can I help you with?" She made a double batch of Mike Clelland's! "Super Spackel". She repackaged contact solution, DEET, Hydropel, and aquamira. Then my aunt Terri and yougest cousin, Caroline came over. Terri took the keyboard and typed in New Hampshire as Mom read out landmarks, mileages, and elevations. Caroline and Mo got to work packing petroleum jelly soaked cotton balls that I'll use for fire starters.
The Girls Help me out.

Caroline makes cotton ball fire starters.

Mom and Terri finish off New Hampshire.

Mo making fire starters.

Thanks ladies!
Look for an update later this evening.

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